E4 - Beginners guide to PPG Q a A with Will Lidie for newbies

A beginners guide to PPG. Typical Questions answered by Will Lidie.  Will just turned 20, he has been in the PPG scene for about 2 years and have been flying for a year and a half. To start out his journey he sold most everything he owned and lived in his car while attending training. After getting a normal job again Will spent about 6 hours each night doing nothing but reading and expanding his knowledge of equipment, techniques, and the people inside the sport.   In the past year Will appeared on the Ask Aviator livestream and following that he worked at Aviator for a period of time doing customer service and writing blog posts and product descriptions. He also was in a lot of SuperAero's coverage of EAA OshKosh this year.    Besides that, Will is one of the mods over at /r/Paramotor and also super active on the facebook group. Basically, this sport is his life and everything else is secondary to it.  Next goal for this year is banking more experience and working as an assistant instructor with the eventual goal of earning an instructor rating and one day starting his own school!  Reddit.com/u/Karmacommando_   https://www.instagram.com/_dust.devil_/

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