The life of a modern day Fighter Pilot and Test Pilot with Eskil Amdal - callsign Taz
Today on the Australian Aviation podcast we are joined by Eskil Amdal - callsign Taz and the owner of Australian Aviation Christian Boucousis. Many of you would know that Boo served in the Royal Australian Air Force as a Hornet pilot but you may not know that he also did an exchange to the UK with the RAF where he served in 11 squadron flying the Tornado. Boo and Taz met in the RAF where Taz was also on exchange from the Norwegian Air Force and that is the connection between the two gentlemen. Taz has enjoyed an amazing career in the Norwegian Air Force and if you have ever wanted to become an air force pilot or were even just a little bit curious about where it could take you then you are going to absolutely love this podcast. Taz has flown more than 100 different aircraft types and is also a graduate of the USN test pilot school. He shares with us what its like to fly the viper and the JSF but also gives us some great background on the F104 starfighter as well some of the other warbirds that he has flown. Taz has only just left the military and is now one of the test pilots for Airbus, and get this, he had to get qualified on the Eurofighter as part of his job at Airbus - now is that cool or what! Today's podcast is brought to you by: