Lee de Winton: CEO of Sydney Metro Airports
We were joined on the Australian Aviation podcast by Lee de Winton who is the chief executive of Sydney Metro Airports which encompasses both Bankstown and Camden airports. de Willton started out in the Royal Navy as a radar plotter and eventually went on to earn a commission and become a fully qualified Air Traffic Controller both in the Royal Navy and eventually in the RAAF. Here in the Sydney basin there is a lot happening with the development of the new Western Sydney Airport and now with the release of the master plan for Bankstown Airport, so it was timely to catch up with de Wilton to discuss what the master plan means, what we can expect for the future and how the community can offer feedback and get involved. Listen in as de Wilton shares with us what we can expect from the master plan and what the future holds for Australia’s largest and busiest general aviation airport. If you’d like to offer some feedback on the master plan you can do so by: Visiting: https://www.sydneymetroairports.com.au Emailing: MP2019@SMAirports.com.au Writing to: PO BOX 6450 Wetherill Park NSW 1851