Episode 061
Episode 061 - EAA Airventure Oshkosh 2017 Day 3 - An interview with the Hangarbot company (www.hangarbot.com), AWOS like you have never seen before from Potomac Aviation (www.potomac-aviation.com) with their Micro Tower, David Wartofsky who owns and operates Potomac Airfield (VKX) located in the Flight Restricted Zone around Washington DC (www.potomac-airfield.com) talks about how things got to where they are today with the FRZ program, and Backcountry Super Cubs (www.supercub.com). Stay tuned for daily episodes covering news, events, and products each day during the show. If there is something you would like to hear about on the podcast whether it's an organization, product, person, etc please send me a message on Twitter @davidfill and I will try to line up an interview on that topic or subject. Thanks and I hope you enjoy the show! PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW IN ITUNES.