Podcast Episode 142: Texas Yarn Lovers, Knitting QaA

Our lovely sponsor this week:Turtlepurl Yarns Turtlepurl is releasing TWO new colorways this week - “Patience” and “Dusty Boots”. These colorways will go live at 8pm Atlantic Time on Friday May 3rd! Set your alarm! For 15% off coupon for the month of May use coupon code ~ VPMAY19 “Dusty Boots” ~ A classic striping pattern of Dusty Silver Grey a Charcoal Stripes ~ Optional heel and toe skeins: Bright Pink, Sea Breeze Turquoise, Poppin Green a Grape “Patience” is Turtlepurl Yarns official colourway. "It takes patience to knit, patience to dye, patience for life. Enjoy the process!" Optional Orange heel a toe skein. Casey’s interview is with Beth from the Texas Yarn Lovers Event. Casey’s Blog with photos of her trip. Other things we talk about in this episode:Magic KnotLearn to Knit SocksToe-Up Socks using German Short RowsIntarsia vs. Duplicate StitchDuplicate Stitch

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