Podcast Episode 131: Sea Island Indigo
Our lovely sponsors this week:Artistic Ewe Artistic Ewe is offering listeners of the VeryPink Knits podcast a 25% discount on any yarn until the end of February. Just enter the code VeryPink25 at checkout. Shipping is always free for orders of $35 or more. Fidalgo Artisan Yarn Company Fidalgo at fiber shows: -Booth at Madrona Fiber Festival in Tacoma, Washington February 14th - 17th -Booth at Stitches West in Santa Clara, California February 21st - 24th -Stop by and say hello to Lori and Emily (of the Tempestry Project) at these events Coupon Code! 20% online shop discount for VeryPink listeners, just use the code VERYPINK at checkout. Valid through the end of February. Casey’s interview is with Donna Hardy from Sea Island Indigo (she’s working on her website, but can be found here on Instagram). Books: The Indigo Girl by Natasha Boyd; and Red, White, and Black Make Blue: Indigo in the Fabric of Colonial South Carolina Life by Andrea FeeserOssabaw Island - The island foundation she mentions where they found the indigo.