Podcast Episode 101: Casey Doesn’t Have to Read Questions, Again!

Casey’s website is kcknits.com. To get your knitting question on the show, just email it to podcast@verypink.com. We’re still taking voicemail questions! Leave your question, and please be sure to tell us where you’re from. 361 420 0128 Our lovely sponsors this week: Turtlepurl Yarns Use the coupon code VERYPINKJUNE for 15% your order! These socks are my Loaded German Short Row Socks, in Turtlepurl colorway Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock. HelloFresh Visit hellofresh.com/verypink30 and use the code VERYPINK30 to receive $30 off your first order! Other things we talk about in this episode: Attaching PomPoms (helps with washing/blocking hats) My basic weaving in ends video My other weaving ends videos Podcast Episode - Knitting and Healing

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