Wrestling Figure Court with Mick Foley!
ALL RISE for the first installment of Wrestling Figure Court! But first, the guys open the show like usual with Providence, RI memories (1:30). They then move on to "Good Housekeeping" (4:27) and talk about the giveaway winner and the new giveaway for this week (5:06). The guys rapid fire some weekly Purchases (15:00), but Zack goes into detail about visiting the most epic storage unit of all time (23:00)! We get the figure news (36:00), this weeks Incarnation of Domination (41:15), Razor Ramon and the ever popular wtf figure of the week (47:00). The guys then take two quick questions from the listeners (50:30) but then move over to the MAIN EVENT! Wrestling Figure Court (57:27) closes out the show!When:Each Friday morningWhere:Wherever you get your podcastsSocial Media:Twitter: @MajorWFPod , @zackryder , @TheCurtHawkinsInstagram: @zryder85 , @TheCurtHawkins