The Holy Grail Tugboat Hasbro
Zack finds one of the holiest of holy grails in the old Hasbro line in the fifth episode of the Major Wrestling Figure Podcast! The guys start with good house keeping (1:42). Find out this weeks Major WF Pod giveaway! (2:45). Feedback from last weeks episode...Mrs. Myers isn't pleased. (6:10). Next check in with everything the guys hunted for this week. Let's just say, lots of CIA paradise! (11:25) What did Bobby Rude buy? (13:37). Hear the story behind Brians signed MOC collection in his garage and why Matt tried to ruin it (33:47). then hear from Matt about his tugboat (42:02)! No news this week, so here is the ringside top ten! (48:09), then they go right into the favorite version of, segment now called the Incarnation of Domination brought to you by ringside collectables (50:28). Do you know all the wrestlers with figures from more than 2 companies? (52:50) WTF Fig of the WEEK (59:06)! Then, Brian and Matt close out the show with questions from YOU (104:34) This segment brought to you by!When:Each Friday morningWhere:Wherever you get your podcastsSocial Media:Twitter: @MajorWFPod , @zackryder , @TheCurtHawkinsInstagram: @zryder85 , @TheCurtHawkins