#33 | Julie Golob, Champion Pro Shooter
Considered one of the top female shooters of all time, Julie Gol0b has a laundry list of shooting wins to her name, including more than 50 national and world titles in USPA, IDPA, IPSC and Steel Challenge. Sponsored by the likes of Smith a Wesson, Federal, Trijicon and others, Julie has been shooting since she was little and won her first match at just 14-years-old. A top pro shooter, avid hunter, Second Amendment spokesperson, former NRA Board Member, author, wife and mother, she is also a U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit veteran. Her performance on the Army Action Shooting Team won her U.S. Army Athlete of the Year in 1999 — the only action shooter to ever receive the prestigious award. Speaking with Host Brent T. Wheat, Julie offers advice for women interested in getting involved in firearms and competition, touches on the backlash she's faced during her illustrious career and shares what she does to relax when not shooting. The GUNS Magazine Podcast is presented by Kimber. Learn more at kimberamerica.com. Learn more about and follow Julie Golob at juliegolob.com. Read and subscribe to GUNS Magazine at gunsmagazine.com.