Episode 100 | Century Celebration With Jersey a Tim
We made it to 100 episodes! To celebrate, Jersey a Tim turned the tables on Marshall by having him blindly review a bunch of beers they picked out. Friends of show Craig Fry and Justin Pretzer, as well as Tim's wife, Michele, join in the fun as well. A huge thanks to all of our listeners, Patrons of Brülosophy, and show sponsors for bringing us this far! The Brülosophy Podcast is brought to you by Imperial Yeast who provide brewers with the most viable and fresh yeast on the market. Learn more about what Imperial Yeast has to offer at ImperialYeast.com today. | Relevant Links | Become a Patron of Brülosophy and get rewarded for your support at http://patreon.com/brulosophy Please use the links at http://brulosophy.com/support when shopping online.