Episode 042 | State Of The Homebrew Industry with Love2brew's Ron Rivers
Not terribly long ago, thirsty folks looking to craft their own tasty beer at home were limited to the supplies they could find at the grocery store or perhaps pick up from a local brewery, if they were lucky enough to live near one. Nowadays, there are homebrew shops in nearly every town offering brewers fresh ingredients, the latest in brewing gear, and a rad place to commune with like-minded others. In this episode, Marshall sits down with Love2brew co-founder, Ron Rivers, to discuss a side of homebrewing that often goes unnoticed. We touch on Ron's experience building and running a successful shop, his thoughts on Big Beer's creep into homebrewing, and some ideas for brewers looking to ensure the hobby stays healthy. This and every episode of The Brülosophy Podcast is proudly brought to you by The American Homebrewers Association. Become a member today at brulosophy.com/aha | Relevant Articles | The Industry Speaks: http://brulosophy.com/2016/10/20/the-industry-speaks-a-homebrew-shop-owners-thoughts-on-the-acquisition-of-northern-brewer-by-ab-inbev/ Love2brew.com