Episode 039 | Wort Boil Length
Whether brewing with extract or all grain, one thing all brewers are told is that the wort must be boiled for a minimum of 60 minutes, during which hops impart bitterness while certain off-flavor causing compounds are driven off. In this episode, contributor Jason Cipriani joins Marshall to chat about the various reasons we boil and discuss the results of some exBEERiments that call convention into question. This and every episode of The Brülosophy Podcast is proudly brought to you by The American Homebrewers Association. Become a member today at brulosophy.com/aha | Relevant Articles | Boil Length xBmt Pt. 1 - Pale Malt: http://brulosophy.com/2015/03/11/the-impact-of-boil-length-ale-exbeeriment-results/ Boil Length xBmt Pt. 2 - Pilsner Malt: http://brulosophy.com/2015/09/14/boil-length-pt-2-pilsner-malt-exbeeriment-results/ Boil Length xBmt Pt. 3 - 60 Minutes vs. 180 Minutes: http://brulosophy.com/2017/11/13/boil-length-pt-3-60-minutes-vs-180-minutes-exbeeriment-results/ Lab Data - DMS In 30 Minute Boil Beer: http://brulosophy.com/2015/10/08/update-lab-data-on-pils-malt-boil-length-exbeeriment/