Episode 032 | Brew In A Bag
Not too long ago, homebrewers interested in all grain brewing were often advised to build a cumbersome setup consisting of 3 separate vessels, all serving a very specific purpose. Making the jump to all grain essentially meant dedicating a good portion of one's garage to a brewery, which was a barrier for many. Then along came some clever Australians with an idea that made all grain brewing nearly as easy as brewing with extract-- Brew In A Bag! In this episode, contributor Jake Huolihan joins Marshall to chat about this simple approach to making beer that has become one of the most popular methods since its inception. We'll also be going over some interesting results from exBEERiments we've performed. This and every episode of The Brülosophy Podcast is proudly brought to you by The American Homebrewers Association. Become a member today at brulosophy.com/aha | Relevant Articles | The Impact Squeezing Has On Beer Character: http://brulosophy.com/2017/05/22/brew-in-a-bag-the-impact-squeezing-the-bag-has-on-beer-character-exbeeriment-results/ Brew In A Bag vs. No Sparge In A MLT: http://brulosophy.com/2018/03/05/mash-methods-brew-in-a-bag-biab-vs-no-sparge-exbeeriment-results/