Why You're Dating Assholes | Fortune Feimster

We discuss the term "dykes", Lesbians and Strippers. And Jessimae getting caught kissing her main squeeze John Stamos, and why we always date emotionally unavailable assholes. With guest host, stand up comedian, Fortune Feimster. (The Mindy Project, Chelsea Lately, The Champions.) For all things Fortune:  www.fortunefeimster.com Thank you for listening! CALL AND LEAVE US A VM TO BE PLAYED FOR THE POD: 513-916-0930 SUBMIT YOUR DR.P Qs: Every SUN on IG STORY: http://www.instagram.com/jessimaepeluso Follow Jessimae: TOUR: https://found.ee/jessimaetour  IG: http://www.instagram.com/jessimaepeluso FB: http://www.facebook.com/JessimaePeluso YT: https://found.ee/jessimae-youtube Book a cameo: https://found.ee/cameo-with-jessimae WEBSITE: https://found.ee/jessimae PATREON: https://found.ee/JessimaePeluso-Patreon 

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