00 Short Introduction
Beekeeping, Short and Sweet. In this introductory podcast I outline very roughly what you might expect, I've called my podcasts "Beekeeping - Short and Sweet" and it will run with the tagline of something along the lines of "For the inquisitive beekeeper with a short attention span!" The plan is to keep them short and interesting, enough to get you listening and not doze off because it's just too long. Hopefully, you might find it fun, interesting, informative and questioning. Perhaps helping you question why you keep bees the way you do or find you fighting your corner because of the way you keep your bees. Anything I say will be meant in a kind-hearted way and not intended to insult and with any luck, it might just start up a conversation! I hope you enjoy them and feedback is always encouraged via my Facebook page, Patreon page or website