EPISODE8 - The Lovecraft Geek

Has anybody drawn a correlation between the worm creatures in "Challenge from Beyond" and the worm-like creature in "Haunter of the Dark"? Both seem to have some sort of relationship to an artifact that activates when stared into. Lovecraft's narration of the history of the Old Ones in "At the Mountains of Madness" seems to parallel his view of the history of the American colonies. The Shoggoths might stand for African slaves, then "unsavory" immigrants, etc. Is this racist subtext really present in "At The Mountains of Madness," or am I, myself, mad? Are you familiar with the Lovecraftian tales of Stephen King ("Jerusalem's Lot," "Crouch End," THE MIST? And what are your thoughts on them? How about Alan Moore's Lovecraftian work? Could you discuss how Lovecraft came to ghostwrite "The Mound" and how much Zealia Bishop contributed to it? I was wondering if you knew of any completed Sci-Fi/Lovecraftian crossover stories, if you have any familiarity with Lovecraftian comics, and if there were any favorites you could share. Are you familiar with the great adaptations of "The Call of Cthulhu" and "The Whisperer in Darkness" by the HP Lovecraft historical society? What do you think of other HPL movie adaptations? Do you think Lovecraft could have done well as a comedy writer? In "At the Mountains of Madness," it is revealed that the Elder Things created the Shoggoths as a slave race. It is also revealed that the Elder Things had a great war with the Deep Ones eons ago. However, in the story "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" the Deep Ones are said to have Shoggoths as well. Is there any explanation as to the change of ownership? Did I hear you correctly when you stated on a recent Lovecraft Geek that the protagonist of the "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" was named "Olmstead"? Has it been remarked that this name reminds us of the Olm, the European cave dwelling amphibian that retains gills all its life and is wholly aquatic? Might Robert E. Howard's Conan have been influenced by the barbarian hero Ursus in Henryk Sienkiewicz's 1896 novel "QUO VADIS"?

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