EPISODE4 - The Lovecraft Geek

What killed the horror atop Sentinel Hill? Is the series 'Pirates of the Caribbean' Lovecraftian in your opinion? In "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward" who is No. 118, the mysterious shade inadvertently raised up by Dr. Willett who warns him about Curwen and eventually deals with Orne and Hutchinson? Would a 'pure' Cthulhu movie really have any impact when we just saw one this summer with multi-dimensioned monsters coming out of the Pacific? And wasn't the '82 The Thing the apex of Antarctic horror? You have juxtaposed Nietzsche's Madman with Old Man Whateley from â??The Dunwich Horror.â?? I'd like to hear you compare these characters. And have you observed any other homages to philosophy in Howard's writings? In Episode 3 you talked briefly about how you thought Lovecraft would view the world up through WWII. What might he have thought of the modern world? Why are Lovecraft's amateur works largely ignored? What are your thoughts, likes, and dislikes re the Dream Cycle stories? What about "The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath"? Do you think that H.P.L. mapped out a consistent timeline for his stories of various un-earthly visitors and conflicts between races? Are there any unanswered questions in Lovecraft's stories that you'd love to see answered? Lovecraft seems to anticipate recent political trends, where reality is stranger than (if it's possible ) Lovecraft's fiction. What does this mean?

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