EPISODE2 - The Lovecraft Geek
Thanks to Mike Davis and The Lovecraft eZine at http://lovecraftzine.com/ for hosting The Lovecraft Geek page: http://lovecraftzine.com/the-lovecraft-geek-robert-m-price-podcast/. Send your questions to Dr. Price at: criticus@aol.com. How would you place HLP in the context of his times and literary peers (in terms of his work and also his beliefs and attitudes)? Another question I never get tired of is any reflection on why his legacy is so vast? Do you believe that HPL's political/racial views hinder the ability to turn his stories into major Hollywood productions? What exactly happens to De La Poer at the end of "The Rats in the Walls"? Is he mad? Possessed? Controlled by external beings? Regressing through the "genetic memories" of his Delapore ancestors in some way? Do you have an opinion of those who are originalists or purists, as concerns Lovecraft? If so, what are your thoughts as to why these two camps exist? Did Lovecraft have a source from which he drew inspiration for Cthulhu, or did he somehow manage to invent this creature from whole cloth? Do you have any ideas about the source of these two references in the works of Brian Lumley: 1) "The Second Wish" cites an Englishman named John Kingsley Brown, an apparent contemporary of Lovecraft's Charles Dexter Ward and Robert E. Howard's Justin Geoffrey, and 2) "The House of the Temple" mentions "the red, hairy slime used by Julian Scortz." Did Lovecraft start out to create a mythos for his stories, or did it just grow over time and as he wrote? S.T. Joshi believes that Wilbur Whateley's biological father is also his grandfather, Old Wizard Whateley, because how could Yog-Sothoth engender a child on a human woman? My own reading is different, that as a parody of the Christian tradition of the birth of Christ that Wilbur and his brother were parthenogenically conceived and that Lavinia was a virgin. What is the Geek's opinion on the matter?