Episode 5 - Sleepless a Eyelid-less
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy - plenty of exciting speculation around Moon Knight potentially entering the Netflix Marvel Universe (finally!) High Priests Connor and Rey discuss the exciting news which came from what to expect in the upcoming Punisher TV show - fingers crossed it's for our boy, Loony Moony! We wrap up the first tremendous arc by Jeff Lemire and Greg Smallwood in issue #5 of "Moon Knight" (Vol. 8) as well as revisit a classic with Vol. 1 issue #12 - "The Nightmare of Morpheus". Speaking of which, a new segment, "Character Spotlight" kicks off with an in-depth review of Morpheus the villain - get to know the history, powers and relevance that Morpheus has for Moon Knight as well as the rest of the Marvel Universe. It's all here in this one episode - grab some moonshine and get ya false idols out, because it's Moon Knight all the way, baby!