#1: Meet the English Learning for Curious Minds podcast
Wondering what the English Learning for Curious Minds podcast is all about, who is behind it, and whether it's for you?In today's inaugural episode, we'll cover who should be listening to the podcast (hint - if you want to improve your English and learn interesting things about the way the world works, this is you), who is behind the podcast (an English native speaker and avid language learner), and talk about some of the quick things you can do to get the most out of the podcast. Who is behind the podcast (introduction to Alastair Budge) Why you need to listen to native speakers Where the English for Curious Minds podcast came from What you can expect from the podcast What does a 'curious mind' mean 2 quick and easy tips for how to use podcasts to learn English Key vocabulary: Inaugural, Maximise, Let's get cracking, Trilingual, Avid, Exposing, Unforgiving, For starters, Scripted, Must, Whirring away, Innate, Absorb, Squarely, Condense, Dulled down, Artificially, Authentic, Non-trivial, Carve out, Mammoth, Touch on, Come round, A taster, Faceless, Corporation.Full transcript and key vocabulary available on the website www.leonardoenglish.com/podcasts/meet-the-english-for-curious-minds-podcastWant tips, resources, and tricks on how to learn English with podcasts? www.leonardoenglish.com/blog****Join the conversation: instagram.com/leonardoenglishapp fb.me/leonardoenglishapp Join the Learn English with Podcasts community: www.facebook.com/groups/learnenglishwithpodcasts ****More about Leonardo English and the English for Curious Minds podcastLearning English shouldn't be boring. It should open your mind.English Learning for Curious Minds is a podcast aimed at intermediate level English speakers and above, where listeners learn fascinating things about the world while learning English.There's no small-talk, no boring grammar exercises or vocabulary drills.You'll learn English by listening, by hearing real conversations and real English, spoken by native speakers, and at a speed you can understand.Listeners can subscribe to Leonardo English to get a copy of the transcript and key vocabulary for every podcast on www.leonardoenglish.com.It's English learning, but for curious minds.