Testing To Fail Lawn Mowers at Troy-Bilt
I visited the MTD Troy-Bilt power equipment testing facility and got to test drive all sorts of outdoor power equipment. I toured the facility with Erin Spain, Sarah from Ugly Duckling House, Mary from House That Lars Built, Serana from Thrift Diving, and Rochelle from Pith a Vigor. The video Troy-Bilt made about their testing process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh3Goa2URjU Will is now running his Bear Paw Resort: https://www.bearpawresort.com/ Check out the GardenFork Amazon Shop: http://amazon.com/shop/gardenfork Amazon links are affiliate links Support GardenFork, become a monthly supporter on Patreon: http://patreon.com/gardenfork Get Our Email Newsletter: https://www.gardenfork.tv/sign-up-for-our-email-newsletter/ Watch us on YouTube: www.youtube.com/gardenfork GardenFork’s Facebook Discussion group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1692616594342396/ Email us: radio@gardenfork.tv