Rick's Lightbulb Moment In The Garage
Rick and Eric talk DIY projects like new LED shop lights in your garage, the shortened maple syrup season, and those hanging barn door kits. Check out the GardenFork Amazon Shop: http://amazon.com/shop/gardenfork Amazon links are affiliate links Support GardenFork, become a monthly supporter on Patreon: http://patreon.com/gardenfork Get Our Email Newsletter: https://www.gardenfork.tv/sign-up-for-our-email-newsletter/ The two YouTube channels Eric likes for small engine repair are DonyBoy and Steve's Small Engine Saloon. Watch us on YouTube: www.youtube.com/gardenfork GardenFork’s Facebook Discussion group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1692616594342396/ Email us: radio@gardenfork.tv