Wolverine: The Long Night
On this episode of the PDS we talk about the Marvel narrative show Wolverine the Long Night. We dig in to the first two episodes of the show that introduces the newest version of the Marvel classic in podcast form This weeks discussion : Wolverine - The Long Night - A Thousand Ways to Die in Alaska a Goodnight Nobody Next weeks recommendation : Ding - Just Bag It , Gravitybeard 254 This Week Today episode 100 It would be great if you would leave us a review and follow us on Spotify, Itunes, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts. Also check us out on Twitter @thepdsofficial , and join the Podcast Discovery Club on Facebook. We know that it is not always ideal to get a monthly subscription so we set up a venmo account so that if you would like to support the show you can very easily. Any support, even just reviews or getting in touch on twitter is very appreciated. Venmo link: https://venmo.com/PDS_Crew