Roadtreking RV Podcast 005 – Boondocking in Northern Michigan and Satellite Internet

If you like getting away from it all, this episode of Roadtreking - The RV Podcast is going to be especially interesting to you. Along with a bunch of RV news, tips and topics covered this week, we devote lots of time to boondocking and staying connected to the online world through satellite Internet. First, thanks to Stephanie Alexander from Crystal River, Fla. for her kind words about the podcast and how she, as a solo RVer, appreciates the community she's met through Roadtreking. I always start each week's episode with a message left via the Vice Mail link that you see on the right side of this blog page. Sometimes it's a compliment, sometimes its a little commentary on what the RV lifestyle means to the listener. But its so encouraging to get those messages and I thank those who have done so already. Listen up! Here's Episode 5 of Roadtreking - The RV Podcast [spp-player] To download this to your computer just right click the download button. On PCs, that saves to your hard-drive and you can then listen to it any time you want, pausing it and resuming at will. On Macs, Control click the download button and then select "Save Link As" from the little dropdown list to get it on your hard-drive. This episode is brought to you by: Van City RV – where they service and sell only Class B motorhomes from all the major manufacturers. And… The Good Sam Club – Good Friends, Good Fun, Great Savings! Join Today! Here's the show notes for Episode 005 of Roadtreking - The RV Podcast: BOONDOCKING – Jennifer and I just returned from a four-day boondocking getaway in the woods of northern Michigan. We talk about what it's like out there and what we do when we're off the grid. Heres' a link to some boondocking photos and a story and on the podcast, there's an audio segment in the podcast that we recorded out in the boonies. LISTENER QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK: A listener wants to know whether he's better off touring in a high mileage automobile or a small motorhome. Jennifer and I break it down by the pros and cons and [spp-tweet "We discuss the differences between a conversion van and a Class B RV"] RV NEWS OF THE WEEK: [spp-tweet "I give the RVers Farmers Almanac long range weather forecasts for the winter by region"] and we share news on the the fastest growing RV demographic, according to the latest industry sales figure.   TRAVELING TECH TIP: I share an amazing typing shortcut app I use for my Apple MacBook Pro laptop and my home desktop called Text Expander. It lets you quickly type "snippets" of text, whether a full letter or paragraphs or a signature. No more fat fingers. I love it for use while traveling because I can respond to email and write faster and more accurately, keeping data charges down while online via my mobile hotspot. But here's the deal,.. after I contacted the company,  they gave me five copies that I can give away. So the first five people who contact me and ask for the TextExpander app will get one. INTERVIEW: We talk with Barb Nolley, of  Mobile Internet Satellite. She tells us just [spp-tweet "What's involved in getting a satellite Internet system for an RV, along with pricing and equipment options"]. She discusses speed and reliability and how to set it up. RV BUCKET LIST DESTINATION: The Everglades and the Big Cypress National Preserve in Florida. Many of you ask how you can subscribe, review and rate the Roadtreking Podcast on iTunes. As we start a podcast, it's very important to get a bunch of reviews to be able to show well in the iTunes listings. So if you can, I'd sure appreciate it if you'd subscribe and leave me your review. Here's how: How to subscribe, rate and review a podcast First, open up the iTunes app on your computer or mobile device. Click on Podcasts up on the top > From the iTunes Podcasts page, use the “Search Store” field up at the top right corner of the page. Type in Mike Wendland or Roadtreking RV Podcast. > Click on the logo image of the Roadtreking RV Podcast on the...

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