Ep.14 - Andrew Cooney: Guerrilla Marketing For The One Person Agency
Scott Howell and Bradley Flowers talk to One Man Shop, Farmers Insurance Agent, and Marketing Guru Andrew Cooney as he shares some of his clever and effective marketing strategies and executions. Andrew, to his surprise, created a viral social media post with video of him paying parking meters in his city to land new business. Learn how a single agency owner uses and finds the time to do traditional media, social media, as well as smart and community-oriented marketing “stunts” to grow his business. Click here to check out the "free media" Andrew earned with his parking meter marketing. About The Insurance Guys The Insurance Guys Podcast is made and dedicated to agents by agents. Scott Howell and Bradley Flowers discuss all aspects of becoming an insurance agent and give real life examples of their experiences in all aspects of hiring, sales and the day-to-day reality of running your own successful insurance agency. Please subscribe, review and rate our show on iTunes, SoundCloud, IheartRadio App, Spotify & Overcast.