#28: Keyflower and Games that Are Too Long
You can have too much of a good thing, which is why Mark always tries to interrupt Walker before he can finish a single sentence. Of course, "too much" is a highly subjective idea, whether applied to game length or pie. This week Keyflower is discussed, which is not too long but can feel too short--except if it were not too short it would be too long. Clear enough. Games Played Last Week:-Star Wars: Imperial Assault 3m25s (Justin Kemppainen, Corey Konieczka, a Jonathan Ying, Fantasy Flight, 2014)-Lords of Vegas 5m31s (James Ernest a Mike Silenker, Mayfair, 2010)-Sagrada 6m41s (Adrian Adamescu a Daryl Andrews, Floodgate Games, 2017)-Thunderbolt Apache Leader 8m12s (Dan Verssen, DVG, 2012)-Ginkgopolis 9m57s (Xavier Georges, Pearl Games, 2012)-Ora et Labora 11m46s (Uwe Rosenberg, Lookout Games, 2011)-Dungeon Alliance 15m11s (Andrew Parks, Quixotic Games, 2018)-Spheres of Influence 20m33s (Josh Lamont, Little Nuke Games, 2016)News (and why it doesn't matter)-Jetpack Joyride 24m45s-Spring Meadow 25m22s-Contest Results! 25m55s-Mark on The Long View (again) 26m36sFeature Game: Keyflower 27m57s (Sebastian Bleasdale a Richard Breese, RaD Games, 2012)Topic: Games that Are Too Long 51m45s