#9: Sidereal Confluence and HATE
Mark and Walker engage the ALL CAPS in a very HARDCORE WAY. Or something. All in all, they're very civil, even while disagreeing about Sidereal Confluence and being mystified by people's strong reactions to HATE. Rage gets all the love, but HATE gets all the confusion. Games Played Last Week:-Sakura Arms (BakaFire, AEG, 2017)-Assault on Doomrock (Tom Stasiak, Beautiful Disaster Games, 2014)-Charterstone (Jamey Stegmaier, Stonemaier Games, 2017)-Blood Rage (Eric Lang, CMON Games, 2015)-Star Wars: Imperial Assault (Justin Kemppainen, Corey Konieczka, a Jonathan Ying, FFG, 2014)