You Pick the Card: Ghirapur Orrery

Throne of Eldraine, Episode 15: Ghirapur Orrery   The results are in! In the final days before Theros: Beyond Death, we let our listeners choose the card that we would brew around for the week. Many outstanding cards from Magic's past and present were nominated, but in the end, only one could emerge victorious in the patron poll: Ghirapur Orrery! This forgotten gem from Kaladesh hearkens back to the days when we were small children with a poor understanding of Magic's rules: we were convinced, for example, that if you played your last card from hand you immediately got to draw a fresh seven, or that if you declared "fast mana" you could play multiple land drops at once. Well guess what, children: with Ghirapur Orrery in play, now you can do both, and it's not even against the rules! The dream of going nuts with an Orrery is certainly enticing, but to make this card competitive, a lot has to go right. David has some ideas for getting the ball rolling, so let's dive into the lists!   Also in this episode: a GP Portland tournament report, 2019 in Review, Theros: Beyond Death Previews, Regisaur testing results, and more!   You Pick the Card Poll Results: Summary     **** Decklists for this episode can be viewed at **** Like our content? Support us on Patreon and join our brewing community! ****   Roundup: GP Portland + 2019 in review + Theros Previews     Izzet Flash (Damon): 4-4, GP Portland (Standard)     Flashback: Rotting Regisaur     Modern   GB Heartless Summoning (Dan): 2-3   Reference:   "Amulet-less Titan" (bolov0): runner-up, Modern MOCS   Urza Charm (VTCLA): winner, Modern MOCS     Pioneer   Golgari Great Hengisaur (David): 5-5 leagues   Monoblack Picker (Dan): 7-3 leagues   Abzan Evolve (David): 4-1 league   Rakdos Vamp Madness (David): 4-1 league     Follow-ups from previous weeks:   Seasons Past / Fires of Invention (Dan): 3-2   Scarab God Reclamation (aspiringspike)   Blood Moon Niv-Mizzet (Lawson Zandi): 5-3 Modern challenge, 5-0 league, 4-1 league   RB Regicleave by Paimon ("Pioneer Death's Shadow)   Legacy Kiora Prison by Johan Bang     Brew Session: Ghirapur Orrery     Pioneer   Sketch 1: Simic Ghirapur Lands     Sketch 2: Sultai Dredge        

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