173 - 10 Steps to Planning a Multiple Season Garden Layout
How do I put this garden layout puzzle together? I'll walk you through how I settled my garden layout for 2021. Show Notes: (*links below contain affiliate links, which means if you click through and make a purchase, we will earn a commission at no extra cost to you.) Dream to Garden Course https://journeywithjill.net/dreamtogarden Thanks to our sponsor Organic REV The first thing to understand about REV is that it is not an ordinary humic acid product that is chemically-extracted from leonardite, lignite, or other coals. Rather, it is a 100% naturally-occurring carbon, humic acid a fulvic acid source - along with exceptionally high levels of naturally-occurring microbial biomass that can increase nitrogen efficiency by up to 25%. REV replaces depleted soil carbon a bacterial biomass - and absorbs nutrients to make them more readily available to plants via their root systems. Promo Code for 10% off JILL10 Greenstalk Vertical Garden Planter Can be used outside or inside Just use potting mix Plant seeds or starter plants No weeding required Quickly stack up or down Use Promo Code JILL10 for $10 off a planter Simple a Complete Garden Planner https://journeywithjill.net/shop/ Plant Partners Book https://amzn.to/2MtU58A A Fame Trellis https://journeywithjill.net/gardening/category/summer-garden/ Vegetable Gardening for Beginners Book: https://amzn.to/3kZXFDu Connect with Jill: Sign up for Friday Emails: https://journeywithjill.net/gardensignup Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebeginnersgarden/ Beginner's Garden Shortcut FB Group: https://facebook.com/groups/beginnersgarden/ Link to Beginner's Garden Podcast past episodes: journeywithjill.net/podcast