172 - Companion Planting Disasters
Have you ever researched companion planting? How do you keep all the information straight? Today, I want to share with you why I believe some combinations don't work and what I would change. Show Notes: (*links below contain affiliate links, which means if you click through and make a purchase, we will earn a commission at no extra cost to you.) LIVE Planting Essentials Masterclass http://journeywithjill.net/plantingessentials Organic REV The first thing to understand about REV is that it is not an ordinary humic acid product that is chemically-extracted from leonardite, lignite, or other coals. Rather, it is a 100% naturally-occurring carbon, humic acid a fulvic acid source - along with exceptionally high levels of naturally-occurring microbial biomass that can increase nitrogen efficiency by up to 25%. REV replaces depleted soil carbon a bacterial biomass - and absorbs nutrients to make them more readily available to plants via their root systems. Promo Code for 10% off JILL10 Plant Partners - Jessica Walliser https://amzn.to/3iZ2Ovy How to Build an A-Frame Garden Trellis https://journeywithjill.net/gardening/2017/02/06/how-to-build-an-a-frame-trellis-for-beans-peas-more/ QA23 - Squash flowers but no fruit? (How to hand pollinate) https://journeywithjill.libsyn.com/qa-squash-flowers-but-no-fruit-how-to-hand-pollinate Sweet Potato YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYbMthYBwl0at=458s Complete Garden Planner https://journeywithjill.net/shop/ Vegetable Gardening for Beginners Book: https://amzn.to/3kZXFDu Connect with Jill: Sign up for Friday Emails: https://journeywithjill.net/gardensignup Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebeginnersgarden/ Beginner's Garden Shortcut FB Group: https://facebook.com/groups/beginnersgarden/ Link to Beginner's Garden Podcast past episodes: journeywithjill.net/podcast