158 - What's Wrong With My Raised Bed Soil?

What's wrong with my plants?  A more accurate question would probably be, what's wrong with my soil?  Today we will talk about what makes up good soil.   Show Notes: (*links below contain affiliate links, which means if you click through and make a purchase, we will earn a commission at no extra cost to you.) Special thanks to our sponsor, Good Ideas, Inc. Sustainable Products. They offer a variety of products to help busy gardeners create the garden of your dreams. Rain Barrels Composters Planters Self Watering Raised Beds Get 10% off your purchase by entering the code JILL10 at checkout. https://goodideasinc.com/                                                                           PROMO CODE: JILL10 for 10% off SoilKit provides everything you need to do a soil sample and receive reports from a lab that you can understand and includes recommendations to keep your garden healthy. All you need to do is: Collect Mail in Get results  https://journeywithjill.net/soilkit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFauqxX2mEUat=62s   Composting for Beginners https://journeywithjill.net/gardening/2017/02/14/composting-for-the-beginner/ 4 Tips to Choosing Raised Bed Soil https://journeywithjill.libsyn.com/71-4-tips-in-choosing-raised-bed-soil Raised Bed Soils Compared https://journeywithjill.libsyn.com/126-3-raised-bed-soil-mixes-compared Should I Test My Soil in EACH Bed? https://journeywithjill.libsyn.com/qa-should-i-test-my-soil-in-each-bed Soil Testing Article: https://journeywithjill.net/gardening/2018/10/23/garden-soil-testing-a-beginners-guide/ Book Containing Mel's Mix, Square Foot Gardening https://amzn.to/33IOfGa Peat Moss https://amzn.to/33KIzeZ Vermiculite https://amzn.to/2SF4ZId Espoma Rock Phosphate https://amzn.to/3iH9Inf Blood Meal https://amzn.to/33GDV1v Worm Castings https://amzn.to/3lu2AN0 Beginner's Garden Podcast past episodes: journeywithjill.net/podcast Vegetable Gardening for Beginners Book: https://amzn.to/2SYe4wy Connect with Jill:          Get Jill’s “In the Garden” Weekly Emails + Free Printable Resources Here: https://journeywithjill.net/gardensignup Join the Beginner’s Garden Shortcut Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/beginnersgarden/ Instagram: https://instagram.com/thebeginnersgarden/

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