006: Overcoming Impostor Syndrome with Rebecca Ching

Rebecca Ching and Miriam Schulman talk about how to overcome IMPOSTOR syndrome.

During this interview, my guest Rebecca Ching offers a lot of questions to ask yourself that I thought would make fantastic journal prompts. Since many of you are probably listening to this in your car or at the gym, I thought it would helpful for me to create a journal prompt list for you that you can refer back to

Rebecca Ching is a therapist, workshop facilitator, speaker, and writer based out of San Diego California. She is committed to helping leaders navigate growth edges plus the inevitable curve balls of business and life with courage, clarity, and compassion. She is a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator based on Brene Brown’s research and protocols and also a Certified Internal Family Systems Therapists  - both methodologies which deeply influence her lens on change, struggle, and leadership.

In this podcast, you will discover...

  • The 5 questions to ask yourself when you’re feeling negative thoughts
  • Why you should focus on enough rather than abundance
  • How to overcome a scarcity mindset
  • Why you will never feel safe when creating art and why it’s important to manage your inner critic
  • (03:32) How imposter syndrome is a universal experience
  • (03:50) How Rebecca tries to get clients with imposter syndrome to be curious about what they are experiencing
  • (06:13) The curse of the smarty-pants brain
  • (06:39) Sharing work will always involve risk and vulnerability
  • (09:43) How the inner critic plays into imposter syndrome
  • (10:56) How it's important to be clear about whose opinion matters
  • (11:46) The importance of feedback which doesn't impact your self worth
  • (13:52) Naming how you are feeling is half the battle
  • (14:56) The opposite of scarcity isn't abundance, it's enough
  • (16:24) 5 questions to ask yourself when you start feeling imposter syndrome
  • (19:00) How it gets harder to share your art when you become a professional artist
  • (20:12) As you get successful as an artist, you invite more critics
  • (21:20) How when the stakes are higher you have to get clear about your boundaries and be curious about your self trust issues
  • (23:30) If you find yourself shrinking as a form of protection, that's feeling the inner and outer critics
  • (25:28) How trolls tend to have the most impact when they trigger shame
  • (28:40) The value in asking people – what would be helpful to you right now?
  • (29:18) How we are taught to stay small
  • (30:52) Failure is not if, it's always when
  • (32:27) How we have the most agency in dealing with our internal critic rather than external critics
  • (35:35) Stay curious about your pain

For full show notes and the 5 free art journaling prompts, go to schulmanart.com/6



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