The Celebration Experience
On this episode, Caitlin and Charlotte talk about their plans for the upcoming Star Wars Celebration 2017 in Orlando! Join us to grab major insider tips of the trade from some seasoned Celebration regulars as we prepared for SWCO. First, we swap stories about what we’re looking forward to most. Then, we sit down with Savanna Kiefer of The Dorky Diva blog and podcast. Savanna shares her experiences with the 501st, costuming, and tells us some seriously amazing Celebration tips for what to be prepared for—namely, line waiting. Finally, we talk to Star Wars Celebration pro Scott Murray of The Geek Directive podcast; he shares tips and memories from his past Celebrations and what he’s looking forward to the most. Check out Savanna’s blog at and @Savanna_Kiefer. Find Scott Murray over at and @MrScottMurray. Follow us on Twitter @skytalkerspod and at Visit our Patreon page to support our programming.