S01 Episode 08: Words and gardens. With Sean Swallow
S01 Episode 08: Words and gardens. With Sean Swallow A blend of slow radio, gardening advice and conversation, and readings from the best garden and wildlife writing. These notes may contain affiliate links. Garden soundtrack Is there anything left to write about gardens? The garden as a place of ideas The garden as a place of activity – where ideas can flow. Words as containers for thoughts and ideas Interview with Sean Swallow 07:38 intro 07:56 from garden designer to poet 16:38 the garden at Scatterford 20:17 are gardens ineffable? Why do we bother trying to capture then in words 22:46 strong gardens 22:30 disruptive poets 23:40 thieving bumblebees. Carpenter bees stealing nectar by drilling through flowers https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=14120 24:56 Death in the garden, Poussin’s Et in arcadia ego https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_in_Arcadia_ego 29:40 Poems ‘strong enough to help’. Seamus Heaney, The Redress of Poetry https://www.seamusheaney.com/the-redress-of-poetry 30:42 gardens reflecting the shape of thoughts A short film of Sean, his work, and his garden https://seanswallow.net/film/ Sean’s garden at Scatterford on the NGS website https://www.ngs.org.uk/find-a-garden/garden/30858/ You can find Sean on the web at http://www.seanswallow.net and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sean_swallow/ Further reading on writers and gardens: The Writer’s Garden: how Gardens inspired our best-loved authors Jackie Bennett https://amzn.to/2Tl6Y7a website: gardensweedsandwords.com email: gardensweedsandwords@gmail.com Instagram: instagram.com/AndrewTimothyOB Twitter: twitter.com/AndrewTimothyOB