Caroline Gidiere
Raised in a small town in the South where professional decorators were not a thing, Caroline learned the important principals of interior design and fashion from watching her mother, who was a wicked seamstress and wasn't afraid of a complicated pattern or roll of wallpaper, and knew how to match a seam. Her mother created stylish and chic interiors and clothing for the family on a budget, guided primarily by her strict adherence to all things previously sanctioned by Jaqueline Onassis, Colonial Williamsburg, Princess Diana, Vogue or Emily Post. As an adult, Caroline is sought after by her friends to help as equally with their daily fashion and entertaining decisions as with their interiors. Guided by her own creativity coupled with the principals that she learned first hand from her mother and in the pages of her enormous personal design library, Caroline turned away from a career in the business world and opened her own design firm when the interest and requests became a full time job. In today's episode, we discuss Caroline's transition from a successful law career to opening her own design firm.