Study Hall: Small Home Changes That Make A Big Impact
POP QUIZ QUESTIONS: What is phantom energy draw and what are some examples? What does Ashlee say everyone should ditch in the kitchen? Where are some good places to donate items to keep them out of the landfill? What is something she taught you about recycling that surprised you? ANSWERS: Energy drawn from things that are always plugged in. Cable boxes, toasters a appliances are examples. Use a power strip and turn it off and on. Paper towels! Facebook marketplace, Craigslist, a facility that could use them, sharing libraries. Small pieces of paper can not be recycled. HOMEWORK REVIEW! Look at the trash you create and identify where it’s coming from. Study your own habits and make some tweaks. Eat less meat. Enjoy a meatless meal…or 2, or 3! HOME SCHOOL’D COMMUNITY: HOME SCHOOL’D INSTAGRAM: HOME SCHOOL’D BLOG + SHOWNOTES: ASHLEE PIPER'S SITE: AARON MASSEY’S SITE: TRACY PENDERGAST’S SITE: