Study Hall: Finding, Framing a Hanging Art
POP QUIZ QUESTIONS: What are some alternatives to framing? What should you look for when starting out with frames? What height should you hang your art at? What type of canvas did Kent recommend for process art? Kent recommends using these products for keeping art in place. ANSWERS: All art doesn’t need to be framed. Binder clips, gallery walls, mounting things on boards. Different options to make it easy to swap out art. A consistent look/color. Kent likes using gold. The middle of the piece should be at 57 inches up the wall. Canvas, a roll of tar paper or a sheet of MDF. Command strips, looped tape or furniture bumpers. HOMEWORK REVIEW! Stand in the middle of the biggest place in your home and spin around, and see if it’s all at the same height. Hang everything with a center mark of 57 inches. As promised, here’s the process art account Tracy mentioned: If you’re ready to test your knowledge in less than 10 minutes, press play right now! HOME SCHOOL’D COMMUNITY: HOME SCHOOL’D INSTAGRAM: HOME SCHOOL’D BLOG + SHOWNOTES: AARON MASSEY’S SITE: TRACY PENDERGAST’S SITE: KENT'S SITE: