Contractor 101

When planning a home renovation, choosing the right contractor is critical. From checking the quality of their work, putting things in writing and agreeing on a timeline- to double checking that the contractor is properly licensed and insured- it’s a lot to keep in mind.  We want our students to approach this process with confidence, so we brought in a super special guest! Josh Temple is an adventurous licensed contractor who’s confident to demolish and reconstruct both houses and landscapes. He gutted his first house from floor to ceiling and worked in construction for several years. He’s even worked alongside family and friends in Los Angeles to flip houses. His ability to face off on all projects made him the ultimate expert to host shows like DIY Network’s series House Crashers and Disaster House.  By the end of today’s class, you’ll have a strong checklist to present to your next hired gun. If you’re ready to hire your next contractor with confidence- press play now! HOME SCHOOL’D COMMUNITY: HOME SCHOOL’D INSTAGRAM:   HOME SCHOOL’D BLOG + SHOWNOTES:   JOSH'S INSTAGRAM:   AARON MASSEY’S SITE:   TRACY PENDERGAST’S SITE:

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