Randy Oliver from Scientific Beekeeping - KM061

This week we are talking to Randy Oliver from California in North America. This is Episode Sixty One of our beekeeping podcast, You can download the podcast directly HERE, or click on the play button above. Feel free to share it with your friends. As we all our interviews the views expressed by our guests are the views of our guests, and don’t necessary revert the views of kiwimana. Introduction Randy started as a hobbyist beekeeper in 1967. Then went to study biological sciences, specializing in entomology at University. He uses his Scientific background to investigate current issues facing bees and beekeepers. Randy also writes for the American Bee Journal since 2006 Randy has around 1000 hives that he runs with his two sons in the Grass Valley area of northern California. Randy also runs the popular website Scientific Beekeeping Here's What You Will Learn Randy Oliver does a lot of field trials for companies. He is supported by donations from beekeepers and business’s. How Randy got started in Beekeeping with a Diving Mask. What does Randy enjoy about beekeeping The Internet doesn’t have any editors Don’t give up on a new treatment that you have only use once. Check that you are using it correctly for your conditions. What are Randy’s Top three ways to control varroa mites Stay away from the CheckMite treatment, it’s nasty stuff. Does America have a true Varroa resistant bee yet? How Randy keeps his combs fresh Randy’s thoughts on what causes ‘CCD’ Randy’s thoughts about neonicotinoid pesticides According to Randy, Why is the Anti-GMO movement misguided Randy’s plans for next season What Was Mentioned Randy’s Favorite book “Beekeeping Tips and Topics by Elbert R. Jaycox” Francis Saucy: Study small cell beekeeping incorrectly in the Journal of Apiculture Research 2014, can be found HERE UC Davis report on GMO Livestock can be found HERE New Zealand story about Cow Deaths Linked to Swedes Working group has since been setup to investigate cow deaths, more info HERE Further Listening In January The organic view hosted a discussion between Randy Oliver and Walter Haefeker “President of the European Professional Beekeepers Association” on the topic of Neonicotinoids. This is well worth a listen:- A Discussion About Neonicotinoids And Bee Losses

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