When Jay and I need inspiration or information
Neither Jay nor I can ever admit to "knowing it all". Far from it, in fact. Both of us need to refer to others on a regular basis and of course, we rely on the internet to help. Sometimes we need contact names for specific professionals. Other times...we just need inspiration to get us through a rough day or a difficult project. So when those times come...and they come often these days...here's some of the sites we go to. . . . . . We spoke about many of these, but some we didn't get to. Enjoy! https://livingsystemsarchitecture.com/about-us/ https://www.rammedearthworks.com/ https://www.tenfoldengineering.com/ https://www.care2.com/greenliving/healthy-home https://ecorglobal.com https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsr2Hd7I26dTIlWCCywvC9g/featured IEP Radio. Michael Schrantz is an IAQ expert that I refer people to. He’s got a great Youtube channel of his interviews. https://buildingbiologyinstitute.org Rateitgreen.com https://www.greenbuildingadvisor.com http://www.thegreendesigncenter.com 'NONTOXIC' for a 5% discount