Ep. 4 Hatch Day
Thank you to our sponsor, Brinsea the Incubation Specialists, for making this episode possible! In this episode, Zach and Charlotte discuss how to prepare yourself for hatching chicks and what to do if they appear to be having troubles freeing themselves from their shell. Links from this episode: Chicken Embryo Development - Video Hatch Your Own Chicks 9 Tips for a successful Hatch Day Incubation Series Part 4: The Long Wait and Hatching Day Tips on Hatching Eggs and Starting Baby Chicks from an Expert Should I Assist with Hatching Step-by-Step Guide to Assisted Hatching Top 5 Reasons for Poor Hatch Rate Helping Chicks When Hatching Importance of Keeping Records Hatching Eggs and Caring for Chicks incubator, brooder, and feed basics Thanks for listening! Don't forget to subscribe and to share this episode with your friends! Until next time... May the flock be with you! The Community Chickens podcast is a production of Ogden Publications.