Getting Rid of My Raspberry Patch

Brian has some clover mites surrounding his house. What shrubs can be used to block sound? Matt  is looking for a tree that will grow 12 to 15 feet maximum for privacy. When should soil on lawns be tested? Taun has posted a list of what you can start planting now on the KSL Greenhouse Show Facebook page. Amanda has a raspberry patch with a lot of weeds. She’s looking for the best way to get rid of it.  Welcome to The KSL Greenhouse Show! Hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes tackle your gardening questions, talk plants, and offer tips for an amazing yard. Listen Saturdays 8am to 11am at 1160 AM a 102.7 FM,, or on the KSL Newsradio App. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. #KSLGreenhouse  See for privacy information.

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