Episode 5 - Celebrating National Public Gardens - Loving at Longwood
Celebrating National Public Gardens was quite different this year. If nothing else, it has helped us realize the role they play in our lives. Whether we visit for quiet time, inspiration, or reliving a memory, National Public Gardens has affected many of our lives. Even as the buildings on some sites are closed, parts f the grounds are closed in other gardens. If you are planning a visit, be sure to call, and or check the website first. As some States are re-opening, there are sure to be some National Public Gardens opening as well. I had the opportunity of speaking with Sharon Loving, Vice President of Horticulture at Longwood Gardens. If you are not familiar with Longwood Gardens, you should really take the time while we are pausing and explore their website. Chock full of information and definitely designed to make you want to visit today! Unfortunately, the gates are temporarily shuttered...but when the time comes and we can move about freely, make a date at Longwood. I just might see you there! If you want to visit a few National Public Gardens, locally here are a few suggestions of books you might find interesting: Maryland's Public Gardens and Parks by Barbara Glickman Capital Splendor: Gardens a Parks in Washington, D.C. GARDEN WALKS In The Mid-Atlantic States by Marina Harrison and Lucy D. Rosenfeld Terrific books to refresh your memory or learn something new. Knowing what is nearby or accessible as we celebrate National Public Gardens will help comfort, inspire, and add value to our lives. Follow me: Https://www.cottageinthecourt.com...Instagram and Twitter:@cottageincourt...Facebook: CottageInTheCourt, and sometimes on Medium: Cottage In The Court If you live n the DMV and want to know what's happening locally and in our gardens, follow the collaborative podcast by two garden communicators, Peggy Riccio and Teresa Speight. To garden fanatics talking about real gardening as it occurs right in our own yards!! Check out Gardens 'n Plants In the meantime...Get outside and garden, Teri, Cottage In The Court