Part 2 - Got Milk? Dairy farmer Kathie Arnold talks labor and why you should support local farmers
In part two of this episode, I finish my talk with Kathie Arnold, about the challenges facing small dairy farms and farms in general. When a farm closes down, the community suffers in a ripple effect throughout the area. We also touch on farm labor, undocumented and otherwise, and what that means to a farm and the surrounding community. How can you find out where your milk is coming from? Go to Where is my milk from and enter the code from the top of your dairy product. It looks something like 36-3661, it may have only 3 numbers following the dash. Now you can support a local, or at least state dairy in your future purchases. As some background information on what is happening to the dairy industry, listen to this podcast from "Farm To Table Talk" episode 66 with John Ikerd, a Farm Economist who taught farmers one thing only to realize years later farming was on the wrong track. He now lectures on small farms and sustainability. It's a great listen and very important for understanding how Big Ag and how it devastates small farmers. If you could use our Amazon link for purchases at Amazon we would be grateful. It's a no-cost way to support Clean Slate Farm if you use our Amazon affiliate link for other purchases - we receive a small finders fee if you purchase through this link. Thanks! (We're saving for a greenhouse build and we're almost there!) For cooking, beekeeping, gardening, and DIY videos see our YouTube channel at Clean Slate Farm. Find us on Twitter @cleanslatefarm Look for us on Facebook as Clean Slate Farm Catch us on Instagram cleanslatefarm Visit our new, improved website Clean Slate Farm where you can purchase our small batch blended balsamic vinegar, spice blend, and miracle hand cream.