Bouncing Back From Your Challenges and Thriving With Melissa Monte: TIT33
Melissa was raped twice as a teenager, lost her friend to suicide and dad to cancer. She got addicted to drug, became alcoholic and suffered from severe bulimia for almost a decade. She has faced a lot of challenges in her own life. It seemed impossible for her to come out of all this. She was surrounded by wrong kind of people, dating a meth addict and going down the wrong path in life. On this episode, Melissa shares her story of bouncing back and thriving. She is a certified Yoga teacher and reiki healer. She is also a host of Podcast called Mind Love where she discusses mindset shifts, energy frequencies and modern mindfulness through raw stories, personal experience and inspiring interviews. Some Questions I ask Melissa: What was the first thing that you did when you wake up the morning How hanging out with right kind of people helps you in one's growth? What are your non-negotiables while selecting whom you wanna spend time with? How do you get over your past? What does your visualization practice looks like? Time Stamps: 03:55 Melissa shares how beautiful her childhood was. 04:24 She talks about traumas that hit her as a teenager. 06:50 How she kept planting seeds of hope and started on a new journey. 09:22 Melissa shares about the very first thing that she did on first day of her new journey. 11:18 She talks why letting go of people who are dragging you down is very important. 19:10 Melissa shares how she deals with the thoughts of her past and don't let it affect her present. 31:55 She shares how taking ownership in life helps you in not becoming victim of situation or challenges you faced in your life. 35:28 Her story of crashing into Obama's election dinner party. 40:12 Enlightening Round Want to start your own podcast or want help in editing your podcast? I can help you launch your very own podcast right from coming out with idea to publishing episode number one. See the details of the services I have to offer. Full Shownotes: Subscribe, Rate and Review the show on: Apple Podcasts Stitcher CastBox on Android Play Music Follow The Inspiring Talk podcast on Facebook Twitter Instagram Music: Point of View by Nicolai Heidlas