More Unannounced Changes! | Is persistent/MMO Tarkov near? | Fuel Predictions | Exfil Episode 56 (An Escape From Tarkov Podcast)
Exfil is a weekly Escape From Tarkov Podcast Support for The Exfil is brought to you by MANSCAPED™, who is the best in men’s below-the-waist grooming. MANSCAPED™offers precision-engineered tools for your family jewels. Use code EXFIL to get 20% OFF and Free Shipping at More changes have hit the live server - what could this mean for the future of Tarkov? MTBtrigger and Ronal dive into these changes and talk about how adding things for new players, long term players, and the people seeking hardcore challenges (like killing Shturman 25 times) could be moving Escape From Tarkov towards persistence. All this and more inside the episode. Catch up with MTBTrigger or Ronal at the EXFIL discord: Patreon is now live and active for those that are looking to directly support the podcast - (Thanks to those of you that nudged us to create this) Podcast Direct Contact a Socials: Twitter - @EXFILpodcast Email - Youtube - XPMedianow Website - MTBtrigger Contact: Twitter - @mtbtrigger Twitch - Ronalgaming Contact: Twitter - @ronalgaming Discord - Ronal#8004