Woods Sucks! | Open Area Combat Tactics | Mouse Settings | Exfil Episode 47 (An Escape From Tarkov Podcast)

Exfil is a weekly Escape From Tarkov Podcast   Support for The Exfil is brought to you by MANSCAPED™, who is the best in men’s below-the-waist grooming.  MANSCAPED™offers precision-engineered tools for your family jewels.  Use code EXFIL to get 20% OFF and Free Shipping at Manscaped.com   On this episode MTBtrigger and Ronal head into Woods. The episode kicks off with a Ronal raid story and a 1 vs. 3 pvp encounter followed by an analysis of what went well and what didn’t go so well. One of the most interesting things about this conversation was the mention of mouse sensitivity.  The hosts dig into this and talk about how easy it is to ‘set it and forget it’ but Ronal has been experimenting with lower sensitivity with some very good results. MTB, at the time of the podcast, is experiencing the worst ‘unable to play’ moment in his Tarkov career because earlier in the day he completed all of the maps except for Interchange on the first attempt for the task ‘the guide’. This leads to the conversation about Woods.  Why is it so hard at the end of a wipe?  What tactics will work on Woods?  Are there open-area tactics that are useful on other maps that can be transferred to Woods? What do you do in the mid-wipe and late-wipe to survive on Woods? All this and more in the episode!   Catch up with MTBTrigger or Ronal at the EXFIL discord:  https://discord.gg/deU7RSs   Patreon is now live and active for those that are looking to directly support the podcast - https://www.patreon.com/XPMedianow (Thanks to those of you that nudged us to create this)   Podcast Direct Contact a Socials: Twitter - @EXFILpodcast Email - EXFILpodcast@gmail.com Youtube - XPMedianow Website - www.xpmedianow.com   MTBtrigger Contact: Twitter - @mtbtrigger Twitch - twitch.tv/mtbtrigger   Ronalgaming Contact: Twitter - @ronalgaming Discord - Ronal#8004

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