A Lesson in Finishing Raids Strong | Exploring Shoreline | Exfil Episode 42 (An Escape From Tarkov Podcast)

Exfil is a weekly Escape From Tarkov Podcast We’re giving a PC away on our other podcast (the winner winner pubg podcast) make sure to enter to win - https://twitter.com/mtbtrigger/status/1311732665368940544?s=20  On this episode MTBtrigger and Ronal walk through a recent 45 minute Shoreline raid they did together.  There are quite a few lessons learned during this raid, but it was filled with just about everything - early PVP, multiple task objectives complete, high tier loot, and an encounter with another thicc boi duo. Surviving and having a successful exfil has been our main focus for ‘getting better’ for the past 41 episodes.  This raid highlights one of the critical decision points that every player will face - when should I leave. There are multiple decision points that are discussed and analyzed - would you have left the raid at any of these stages?  Or would you have suffered the same fate as MTB and Ronal? Lastly, the hosts take on the subject of risk vs. reward vs. fun.  How has the FIR change affected the perception of rewards for tasking? Is the endgame of Tarkov truly defined by the player?   All of this and more inside the episode!   Catch up with MTBTrigger or Ronal at the EXFIL discord:  https://discord.gg/deU7RSs   Patreon is now live and active for those that are looking to directly support the podcast - https://www.patreon.com/XPMedianow (Thanks to those of you that nudged us to create this)   Podcast Direct Contact a Socials: Twitter - @EXFILpodcast Email - EXFILpodcast@gmail.com Youtube - XPMedianow Website - www.xpmedianow.com   MTBtrigger Contact: Twitter - @mtbtrigger Twitch - twitch.tv/mtbtrigger   Ronalgaming Contact: Twitter - @ronalgaming Discord - Ronal#8004

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