Looking Ahead to 12.8 | Gun Degradation | Unity Engine Update | Tarkov DLC? | Exfil Episode 34 (An Escape From Tarkov Podcast)
Exfil is a weekly Escape From Tarkov Podcast This week MTBtrigger and Ronal discuss the 12.8 changes that have been talked about on various podcasts by Nikita. **Not all of these have been confirmed for 12.8 but we thought it was worth having a ‘speculation’ episode** Topics Included: -Weapon Wear and Tear: Bolt jamming, Critical Bolt Malfunction, Misfire, Case Extraction Malfunction, and Round Jamming -Ammo Types affecting gun degradation and jamming chance -Magazine degradation -Steam Audio Phase 2 -Scav DLC -Vector -Unity 2019 These topics and more inside the episode! Catch up with MTBTrigger or Ronal at the EXFIL discord: https://discord.gg/deU7RSs Patreon is now live and active for those that are looking to directly support the podcast - https://www.patreon.com/XPMedianow (Thanks to those of you that nudged us to create this) Podcast Direct Contact a Socials: Twitter - @EXFILpodcast Email - EXFILpodcast@gmail.com Youtube - XPMedianow Website - www.xpmedianow.com MTBtrigger Contact: Twitter - @mtbtrigger Twitch - twitch.tv/mtbtrigger Ronalgaming Contact: Twitter - @ronalgaming Discord - Ronal#8004